Hence, the presumed sin of the Sodomites has come to be known as "sodomy." However, "to know," along with other phrases that often imply carnal knowledge (e.g., "go in unto"), are used inconsistently in the Bible and have been distorted through many translations of the original Hebrew texts and the oral tradition that preceded them.

But in those five words, "that we may know them," lies the heart of the "abomination." Why? Because "to know" generally denotes carnal knowledge. Hoping to placate the frenzied horde, Lot offers them his daughters, but they will settle for no less than the travelers themselves. Soon after the travelers arrive, the inhospitable men of Sodom throng at Lot's door and demand: "Where are the men which came into thee this night? Bring them out unto us that we may know them" (Genesis 19:5). By shielding strangers, he further antagonizes his neighbors. But, Lot, himself an outsider, was never accepted by the Sodomites. Consistent with that imperative, Lot invites the travelers into his home. Jmarks the day LGBT supporter’s calls victory but for Bible believing Christians this is the day that a nation’s.

In the nomadic ancient Middle East, wayfarers lives could, literally, depend on the hospitality of strangers. If you are seeing all over the internet the news about the approval same-sex marriage nationwide by the US Supreme Court you are seeing it right. A reprieve is offered if God's emissaries can find even "one just man." Two angels, disguised as travelers, come upon the house of Lot. Cardinal Richelieu : Id climb the highest mountain Sodom and Gomorrah Esther and. Scholars agree that the injunction against homosexuality is rooted in the Genesis story of Sodom and Gomorrah, twin cities marked for destruction because of their grievous sinfulness. In this bitterly ironic and slyly subversive Italian sex comedy.